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50 Women Can Change the World in Nonprofit

No more business as usual.
Embrace your power to alter the paradigm.

Join with 49 other influential women leaders and emerging leaders in Nonprofit from diverse backgrounds to harness the Power Tools and build a vibrant community to thrive in your career while changing the world of nonprofit.


Lead the conversations that will take your organization and purpose further, faster. 

In fact, you more easily can start those conversations yourself and accelerate the impact your organization can have on the world by using the Power Tools and community available to you through Take The Lead's 50 Women Can Change the World Program.


Why does it matter?


Women make up over 75% of Nonprofit staff in some sectors, but men still predominate in top leadership roles especially in larger organizations with higher compensation levels. 

  •  Research has shown that nonprofits  with women in leadership positions are more successful in realizing their mission and reaching their goals, and their employees are more satisfied with the organization’s overall  performance. 

  •  According to studies by the World Bank, McKinsey, and Ernst & Young more gender parity leads to better decisions.

  •  Studies found a significant  positive relationship between the proportion of women on the board and the CEO’s satisfaction with the board’s performance

Source: University of Denver “Bench-marking Women's Leadership in the United States” 

“50 Women Can is an incredible program for women. It’s given me the time to understand what my relationship with power is. It’s given me comradery and support from other women in all different aspects of the industry, that I probably wouldn’t have connected with otherwise.”

~ Christine Marchese


No Ordinary leadership program

Our research-based core curriculum was developed by co-founder and president of Take The Lead, Gloria Feldt and based on her bestselling book No Excuses: 9 Ways Women Can Change How We Think About Power and her "9 Leadership Power Tools to Advance Your Career."

Our approach is to teach women how to lead themselves, their careers, and their organizations and systems changes in a holistic way. It is the only program designed to meet the unique opportunities – and challenges – women experience in their industries.

To prepare women in each industry or sector, this program complements in-person training with inspiring speakers, networking events, virtual training, coaching, and facilitation of the development and planning for a collaborative action plan – designed by each cohort – to propel women to greater heights and to truly change the world.

unlike any other leadership program.png

“I got my power back, I got my voice back, and an unapologetic fierceness.”

~ Dena Trakes Patton


 Our comprehensive four-pillar approach cracks the code and provides the breakthrough women need

Teaches practical “Power Tool” skills

Connects with mentoring, coaching, and cohort building

Presents role models

Drives change with thought leadership

Changing the narrative

We change the focus from obsession with problems to shining a laser beam on the solutions—what is working to advance women toward parity, including internal and external thought leadership.

Unique curriculum

Our program directly addresses women’s relationship with power and intention, internal and external barriers, and changes the paradigm from the outdated “power over” to a more current, collaborative and creative “power TO”—an approach better suited to the very women’s leadership styles that bring higher profits. 

It’s like rocket fuel for the soul, and we see women lift off with confidence, joy, and authenticity. You’ll know yourself better at the end and you will find yourself leading more powerfully and intentionally. During the program, each woman creates her own Strategic Leadership Action Plan to put what she has learned into action.

Collaboration as a core value

This isn't about us, it is about you. Each 50 Women cohort collaborates on a group project and intentionally creates a powerful network to support one another’s success.

Stake in the ground

If you don’t measure it, it doesn’t happen. We keep tabs on crucial impacts. 90% of participants implement their Strategic Leadership Action Plans and claim higher levels of intentionality about their goals and their comfort with embracing their Power TO achieve them. We aim for nothing less than gender parity by 2025. 


Learning Objectives

Embrace a New Definition of Power
Gain a sophisticated understanding of power and redefine it so you can fully assess and embrace your own power and use it with confidence, intention, and joy

Leverage Your Personal Power with Actionable Tools
Achieve your leadership intentions by leveraging an inclusive model for power and the 9 Leadership Power Tools

Increase Self-Awareness
Increase your self-awareness through an experiential and insightful Power Journey

Advance Your Career
Understand the factors that lead to career derailment and replace them with tools and resources necessary to succeed and advance in your career

Plan to Achieve Goals
Set aspirational goals for your career, your organization and your sector and design a Strategic Leadership Action Plan to achieve them

Drive Change - Together
Develop a collaborative plan with a network of fellow journalists to drive meaningful change in the industry and the world

Addresses Specific Nonprofit Sector Challenges

Participants can expect to

  • ​Master the 9 Leadership Power Tools to use them effectively in your organizations and communities
  • ​Hone your personal brand and learn how it impacts the ability to influence decisions
  • ​Use a personalized Communication Styles assessment to develop a grounded approach for having influential conversations
  • ​Create a Strategic Leadership Action Plan, aligned with organizational initiatives, to stay on track to reach your goals
  • ​Develop effective strategies for networking with purpose and negotiating with confidence
  • ​Employ techniques for navigating difficult situations and people
  • ​Discover meaningful ways to promote yourself and manage your professional brand
  • ​Tap into methods for managing stress

“I have attended training that cost $30,000 and it wasn’t as good and useful as this one.”

~ Lori Chillingworth, Executive Vice President, Zion’s Bank


 Are you one of 50 Women Who Can Change the World in Nonprofit?

Stop waiting for the world to change.

You have the capacity to accelerate culture change for both women and men within nonprofit. This is the Power of the Cohort and of its collective energy and action.

This unique program is targeted to the needs of aspiring, high-potential mid-level and executive-level women in all nonprofit and social profit sectors in Arizona, including community, government, and social impact leaders. 

Ideal candidates have a strong desire to create a new narrative for themselves around their individual personal power and use it to contribute at a higher level within their organizations and to change the world.

Take The Lead's 50 Women Can Change The World program requires participants’ willingness to be intellectually curious, to have the courage to amplify their voices, and to commit to the immersive and collaborative learning experience.



Standard tuition of $5,500 reduced to $450 thanks to sponsors & partners.

When: Stay tuned for our next cohort.

Where: The experience takes place both online and in-person. In-person elements of the program will be held in Phoenix, Arizona.

Program Investment: Typical tuition for this type of program in the nonprofit sector is $5,500. Through partners and sponsors we are pleased to offer a significantly reduced tuition for nonprofits at $450.

 Program Format

Take The Lead's 50 Women Can Change the World in Nonprofit is designed as a three-month experience, including: 

  • Four immersion days of intensive and collaborative training
  • Regular virtual online sessions with deeper content dives, inspiring speakers and peer coaching
  • Two hours of private, one-on-one coaching on the execution of your Strategic Leadership Action Plan
  • Virtual group coaching sessions
  • Private, moderated online group
  • Networking events with community leaders
  • Follow up at regular milestones – up to 1 year – to assess your progress and provide support around your Strategic Leadership Action Plan

Program Speakers

To be announced


Leading The Charge


Felicia Davis
Lead Trainer
Felicia started her career as an HR Assistant spending 20+ years in the trenches helping create success for companies like NCR, Kodak, Manpower, T-Mobile & Chubb Insurance. She quickly rose up to the ranks of HR Executive and played a major role in human capital engagement by implementing a high performer retention strategy that resulted in a reduction in turnover from 21% to 15% and a $750K recruitment savings across five lines of business.


Gloria Feldt
Co-Founder and President of Take The Lead
A nationally known expert in women, power, and leadership, she was named by Vanity Fair as one of America’s top 200 women legends, leaders, and trailblazers. She is a NY Times bestselling author and former president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The 50 Women Can Change the World programs are based on Gloria’s extensive research underpinning her latest book, No Excuses: Nine Ways Women Can Change How We Think About Power. A professor of practice at Arizona State University, she is an in-demand keynote speaker, a Glamour Woman of the Year, and recently named to “Forbes 40 Over 40.”

 Frequently Asked Questions

What sectors of nonprofit does this program address?
This program is open to participants from all sectors of nonprofit, including social profit community, government, and social impact.

Where will the immersion sessions take place?
The on-site portion of the program will occur at sites in Phoenix, Arizona. Specific locations will be announced soon.

How much does it cost to register?
The program components including four days of immersion training, four virtual sessions, plus meals, private networking events and supplemental course materials would cost upwards of $5,500 if priced separately.

The total cost for the complete program is $450.

How do I obtain an invoice if my organization is paying for me?
When you receive your acceptance email, simply provide the appropriate contact information, and we will direct an invoice to your organization.

Can I recommend more than one person?
Absolutely. Complete a recommendation form for each qualified, prospective participant.

What is the maximum number of participants that can attend from one organization?
To ensure a mix of participants from different organizations and roles, we cap the number of participants from a single organization at five (5). If your organization wishes to enroll more, we can discuss ways to bring this experience into your organization - or to reserve spots in our next cohort.

Do I have to attend every immersion day session?
Participation is essential to the success of the program. By agreeing to participate in the cohort you’re making a commitment to the selected group of women and yourself. That said, we understand that things happen. Please contact us should you have a conflict with any of the dates.

Can I purchase additional coaching sessions?
Yes. Post-program coaching packages are available at a 20% discount to cohort participants.

How do I recommend a speaker or topic?
We are always open to receiving recommendations for speakers or topics that will directly address the challenges of women in nonprofit or who will inspire the cohort. Please, feel free to email the lead trainer to make a suggestion.

My firm is interested in becoming a program sponsor. How does this work?
A limited number of sponsorship opportunities are available. To donate to provide a scholarship for a program participant, go to Take The Lead is a 501(c)3 tax exempt nonprofit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. For all other sponsorship questions, contact us.

I’m not able to participate in this cohort. How can I stay engaged with the program?
To be placed on the list to join a future cohort, fill out our contact form, and we’ll notify you when we announce our next program. You might also be interested in being a program sponsor or providing a scholarship for a program participant.

I'm a member of the press/media and want to cover this event or interview a 50 Women Can participant, presenter or lead trainer. Who should I contact?
Press and media inquiries can be sent to the lead trainer.


 Companies Leading the Way in Nonprofit

Take The Lead’s 50 Women Can Change the World in Nonprofit leadership program is possible only through the generous support from these partners & sponsors.

Want to show your support for women’s leadership? Become a sponsor for a 50 Women Can Change The World in Nonprofit program by contacting us.


What is Take The Lead?

Take The Lead is a 501c3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to prepare, develop, inspire and propel women to take their fair and equal share of leadership positions across all sectors by 2025.

Learn from best-selling author Gloria Feldt, co-founder of Take The Lead and a national expert on leadership, and from a diverse slate of certified Take The Lead Leadership Ambassadors. 

Learn more about Take The Lead>>>


Program Application & Nomination Form