Smart Women Take The Lead Monthly Global Webcast

Smart Women Take The Lead monthly global webcast by Smartwomen Smartconversations (SWSC) and Take The Lead for women in the workplace to launch Friday March 15 at 2:30 pm EDT

Perhaps you want a promotion, or a raise, or you feel ‘stuck’ in your career? Maybe you’re going on maternity leave or returning to work after a few years? Or perhaps you want to talk to your boss about flexible working, or you want to get on the fast-track for a leadership position?

SWTTL is a live monthly webcast and community for women who want to get ahead. Our aim is to help accelerate effective change for women in the workplace by addressing key issues and creating real breakthroughs! And our two organizations are modeling the kind of collaboration we think women individually and women’s organizations collectively must if we are to move the dial of leadership parity forward for women.

Co-hosts Jana Hlistova founder of SWSC and Gloria Feldt, co-founder of Take The Lead will be joined each month by exciting guests who are experts in their field. We’ll have women and some men too–from business & industry, government, academia,. And we will stimulate debate, provide insight and experience to drive change.

We want to hear from you! Please share with us on our Facebook pageTwitter and on the YouTube channel.

Women in the Workplace is our topic for our inaugural March 15 webcast at 2:30 eastern daylight time.

Janet Salazar will be SWTTL’s special guest.

Janet C. Salazar is the Founder and CEO of IMPACT Leadership 21, and CEO and Co-Founder of Maverick Vision International Advisors (MVI Advisors), a New York–based global firm of experts providing highly specialized consulting, coaching, training and advisory on multicultural leadership development. As a Certified Master Coach, she trains senior executives maximize their abilities to coach and unleash the potential of emerging leaders. Janet also serves as the Permanent Representative to the United Nations at Foundation for the Support of the United Nations (FSUN), an international NGO in General Consultative Status at the United Nations Economic and Social Counci. She serves as Treasurer and Public Relations Director of the Executive Committee of NGOs Associated with UN Department of Public Information. Her passion for women’s education and leadership inspired her to serve on the International Steering Committee of the Asian Women’s Leadership University Project (AWLU). Get to know Janet better and join her and the global community of women creating IMPACT and inspiring the next generation of women leaders at and

We’ll ask questions like: Where are all the women?

Women have made great progress in all industries and careers, however women continue to ‘leak out’ of the middle ranks in organisations, and are under-represented in senior and board positions:

  • Women in the UK make up just 17% of executive directors and a mere 4% of chief executives of FTSE 100 biggest companies.

  • In the US women last year made up less than 18% of senior managers and not even 8% of the highest earners. Among the Fortune 500 companies only about 15% of the most senior managers and only 3% of chief executives are women.

  • Globally, in 2012, women made up a mere 10.5% of executive board directors, according to GMI Ratings.

At SWTTL, we want to explore the issues and surface what is going on for women in the workplace. Join us for a live discussion.

About the Author

TAKE THE LEAD prepares, develops, inspires and propels women to take their fair and equal share of leadership positions across all sectors by 2025. It’s today’s women’s movement — a unique catalyst for women to embrace power and reach leadership parity.