Posts tagged Volunteering
You Get More Than You Give: How Volunteering Shapes You As A Leader

 Just out of college, early in your career or mid-career, it is not likely you are able to easily join corporate boards or enter into the world of philanthropy with substantial donations. But you can still make an enormous impact volunteering your time and skills for missions and causes that you care about deeply.

And the experience will help you tremendously in your growth as a leader.

Since the pandemic, the volunteering landscape has shifted, and there is a gendered and generational element.

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Butterflies: Or, We’re All Evolving

Issue 208— October 17, 2022

We celebrated my husband’s life on the first day of the past week, Sunday, October 9. Those are words I never wanted to write, speak, or even think. Yet like many difficult things in life, we have to face them head on, and the only way through them is through them, into the next phase.

I was told afterwards that butterflies fluttered about my head when I told the story of why he volunteered to work the butterfly exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

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