Posts tagged Wonder Woman
"Don’t Underestimate Yourself”: Lynda Carter on Leadership, Success and The Power To Be Whomever You Dare

The wonder of her accomplishments never stops.

Lynda Carter, a Wonder Woman in real life who turns 73 this month, is a global performer, singer, producer, actress, philanthropist, leader and inspiration to women and men around the world for her ability to excel in multiple arenas.

“We know how to wear many hats because we are so busy. We collaborate,” says Carter, who will be honored with the Leading Woman Award at Take The Lead’s Power Up Concert and Conference August 25-26.

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The Sum: The Meaning of This Week by Gloria Feldt

Calling all #WW, here’s why it’s important to get behind the new #WonderWoman movie by going to see it this weekend:  Supporting success at the box office by buying tickets, especially in its first weekend, will increase the probability we’ll see more female superheroes women and girls can relate to in pop culture. And the more #WW we see, the more of us will become #WW.

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