Posts tagged sexism
Beyond Bias: Women Journos Lead With Innovation, Inclusion And Storytelling

“There is a tension around the topic of the subjectivity of objectivity,” said Felicia Henderson, director of cultural competency at the Maynard Institute.

Speaking at the recent Journalism & Women Symposium annual CAMP (Conference and Mentoring Project) in New Orleans, with the theme, Resilience and Reinvention, Henderson joined a panel along with Jean Marie Brown, The Pivot Fund’s director of research, and Mary Irby-Jones, executive editor at  the Louisville Courier Journal.

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The Power of Imagery: Annie Leibovitz on 50 Years of Working to Portray Women

You have likely heard the adage that a picture is worth 1,000 words. In the case of Annie Leibovitz, iconic photographer for more than 50 years, her pictures are priceless.

The legendary creative force and winner of the International Center of Photography Lifetime Achievement Award and the Centenary Medal of Royal Photographic Society, Leibovitz humbly graced the Chicago Humanities Festival stage recently to talk about how women are seen—and not seen authentically—and ultimately not known.

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Nine to Know: Women Tech Innovators Changing the Future

 Silicon Valley is known as the launching pad for and home to many tech empires. It’s also known for its deep-rooted sexism. Of course, that’s not limited to that region. With ‘Tech-Bros’ often dominating the scene, it can seem nearly impossible for women to make headway. Only about 10 percent of the executive roles in tech are held by women.

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Casual Sexism Is Hardly Harmless

Sure, we can all agree that sexual harassment and Mad Men-era sexism have no place in a modern office. But what about when, say, someone jokes about women being overly emotional—that’s all in good fun, right? And women who get offended by it need to calm down and get a sense of humor, right?

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