Posts tagged working women
We Can Make It Happen: Why Working To Get ERA To Finish Line Needs Us All

One hundred and one years is enough. Now is the time to pass the Equal Rights Amendment in all 50+ states and honor the fair and equal legal rights of women and publish it in the Constitution.

“I am so excited to present the Leading Advocate Award to the ERA Coalition,” said Gloria Feldt, co-founder and president of Take The Lead, at the recent Power Up 2024 Conference on Women’s Equality Day in Washington, D.C..

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10 Tips to Overcome Work-Related Stress For A-Type Personalities

Witnessing the female athletes competing across any and all sports in the recent Olympics, demonstrate just what can happen to a person under extreme pressure. Depending on personality type, it can affect a competitor’s stress levels.

The workplace is similar.

An A-type personality often means you are competitive, time-pressured, and prone to high-stress levels. These traits can push you to achieve great things but can also contribute to work-related stress, especially if you're in a leadership role.

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Honor Your Authenticity: Power Up Award Winner Succeeds With Life Choices

Jenny Nguyen learned how to dribble a basketball at four years old. So, it’s little wonder that at 44, she is running the hugely successful enterprise, The Sports Bra, the first bar/restaurant ever to only show women’s sports on its large TV screens.

Winner of the Changemaker of the Year Award from Take The Lead, Nguyen will speak about her journey as a first-generation Viet Nam daughter who followed her dreams even as they shifted at the 2024 Power Up Concert & Conference on Women’s Equality Day in Washington, D.C.

Nine Power Tool Award winners will receive recognition at the event August 25-26– one for each of the 9 Leadership Power Tools in Take The Lead’s curriculum. The awards were created by Felicia Davis, Take The Lead Leadership Ambassador and Founder of the Black Women’s Collective.

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Can The Post-COVID Workplace Be Better For Women?

Women have been hardest hit by the economic impact of COVID-19. It makes sense women will continue to be the most affected after the pandemic subsides as well. It also makes sense to address those possibilities head on so the future approaches gender equity across all platforms and disciplines.

Some new research says the new post-COVID workplace may indeed be more fair, but it will take intention and deliberate action.

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You Go First: Salary Transparency Almost Closes Gender Pay Gap

The good news if you are a woman working in healthcare, architecture, engineering, education and a few other industries is that pay equity is the norm when your organization has pay transparency. The bad news is if you are a female in food services, retail, customer service, transportation and a few more male-dominated fields, you will likely be paid less than men doing the same job.

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All the Single Ladies: More Women Entrepreneurs Than Men Start Businesses

“Now put your hands up.”

A peach of a new study out of Georgia State University finds that more than men or married women, single women have the highest rates of entrepreneurship of all individuals. What makes a single women start a company on her own more often?

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