Webcast #Fail but Women Take The Lead to Prevail

Until you’re ready to look foolish, you’ll never have the possibility of being great.- -Cher

This was the lesson of our Smart Women Take The Lead webcast via Google Hangout that didn’t happen on the Ides of March. I suppose I should have known that date would augur trouble!

Janet Salazar Gloria Feldt Martina

Janet Salazar Gloria Feldt Martina

Oh, we were all dressed up and ready. Janet Salazar, founder of Impact Leadership 21 was to be the special guest. Jana Hlistova of Smart Women Smart Conversations is co-host of this collaborative global venture with Take The Lead. The webcast interviews with interesting and accomplished women will be a feature of Take The Lead Presents, one of our four keys to leadership parity for women.

Jana was at her computer in an entrepreneur’s space in London. Janet and I were at the amazing venture firm Golden Seeds that invests solely in early stage women-led companies. But the technology failed us today and we could not do the webcast.

We thank those who registered–we will let you know when we reschedule. And we will definitely reschedule!

Not to be defeated by failed technology, Janet and I made a short video interview that we will share soon. Here’s a photo of Janet, Gloria, and Janet’s brilliant intern Martina.

Visit the SWTTL website, like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter .

The next webcast will be Tuesday, April 9 at 2pm Eastern time, 6pm UK. Promise!

You’ll definitely want to be there. The topic will be the controversial matter of whether women’s  “erotic capital” is an asset or barrier in the workplace.

Meanwhile here’s an important question for any woman who wants to Take The Lead: When did you have to overcome the fear and shame about looking foolish in order to take a risk in life? Please weigh in, in the comments section below.  

About the Author

Gloria Feldt, Co-Founder and President of Take The Lead, is the author of No Excuses: 9 Ways Women Can Change How We Think About Power. She teaches "Women, Power, and Leadership" at Arizona State University and was named to Vanity Fair's Top 200 women Legends, Leaders, and Trailblazers.