Posts in The Sum
What Is Your Life’s Blueprint? Dr. Martin Luther King’s Less-Known Speech Teaches 3 Leadership Lessons We Can All Use Now

Issue 218 — January 16, 2023

January 16, 2023: The nation celebrates the birthday of Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King today.

For many, the holiday acknowledging Dr. King’s transformational significance in American History has become primarily a welcome long weekend off from work. For others, it’s the opportunity to reflect on Dr. King’s legacy in secular and religious settings, as President Joe Biden did at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where King had been the pastor.

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Are You the One Who Sent The $2000 Check?

Issue 212 — November 28, 2022

If you sent that check — it came last week without information as to the donor — to Take The Lead, thank you! This post will be published to coincide with Giving Tuesday so whoever you are, your timing could not be more perfect.

I just posted the message below on my personal fundraising page for Giving Tuesday:

I co-founded and am devoting this phase of my life to Take The Lead ( because its training, coaching, role models, and thought leadership have been proven to provide women with the very tools they need to embrace their power and elevate their ideas about what they can achieve in their careers and personal lives.

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How Nancy Pelosi Aced the 4 P’s of Political Leadership: Power, Presence, Platform, and Perseverance

Issue 211 — November 21, 2022

Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi gave the best speech of her political life on November 17, when after the 2022 midterm elections, she announced she would remain in Congress but would not run for Minority Leader again in January when the new Congress convenes.

Her words and her demeanor were a summation of her style of leadership.

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Six (Nonpartisan) Leadership Lessons from the 2022 Elections

Issue 210 — November 14, 2022

I believe so strongly that #votingisleadership that I created a hashtag for it. Civic engagement is in my view a critical part of leadership. We are all shaped by our communities and so must be part of shaping them.

Politics, as political scientist Walter Truett Anderson defined it, is the clash of uncertainties from which social realities are constructed.

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Is There a Place For Us? Only #Whenweallvote

Voting is a form of leadership. My grandparents, who were immigrants and entrepreneurs, taught me that everyone has an obligation to participate in the community. If you have not already cast your vote in the crucial midterm elections, here is where you can go to make sure your vote counts, where and how to vote in your state, and information about where candidates stand on issues of concern to you. Here is an easy to use resource to find out what is on the ballot where you vote, how to get help if you experience a problem casting your vote, and more.

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Butterflies: Or, We’re All Evolving

Issue 208— October 17, 2022

We celebrated my husband’s life on the first day of the past week, Sunday, October 9. Those are words I never wanted to write, speak, or even think. Yet like many difficult things in life, we have to face them head on, and the only way through them is through them, into the next phase.

I was told afterwards that butterflies fluttered about my head when I told the story of why he volunteered to work the butterfly exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

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How Do You Go from Grief to Joy?

How do you go from grief to joy?

This week I write about how the examples of recent moments of communal grief--the 21st anniversary of 9/11 and the death of Queen Elizabeth II—can inform us as we grapple with personal grief. And I share a phone call that helped me process my grief by creating a lasting legacy in memory of my husband, and the resulting joy. Read the full story here...

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The Big RE Secret for Solving Women’s Pay and Debt Gaps

Issue 205 — September 5, 2022

Something doesn’t compute here, I thought, when I saw a well-meaning but laughable piece of advice to women in an Ad Council campaign in collaboration with AARP.

“Save a larger percentage of your income for retirement,“ it tells women, and cites the data that women are 80% more likely than men to be poor in their old age. “Save 2% more than you are currently saving,” goes the advice.

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