The Power To Create Better Spaces for Our Students in the Digital World
Danna Okuyama is the founder of Urban Sandbox.
By Danna Okuyama
Before I hit 30, I already lived in four countries and come to appreciate the cultures and vibrancy of the world. Today, when travel isn’t an option, social media can be a powerful tool to connect with others around the globe.
I always wanted my son to become a global citizen, however, when he entered pre-school, he was excluded and faced unfair judgments simply because of his appearance. I learned that not everyone thinks the same and knew I had to make a change. Formerly in finance, I quit my job to create a social media platform that would be different – where kids can socialize safely without stereotypes or judgments.
According to PEW Research Center, nearly half of U.S. teens ages 13 to 17 report experiencing at least one of six cyberbullying behaviors. What's more, biased and concerning content can skew children’s perceptions. Therefore, students’ safety was my top priority. I believe that with a healthy level of regulation, social media can be valuable for students’ growth; it can foster positive attention, build healthy peer competition, boost confidence, combat loneliness, and showcase different cultures and backgrounds.
After two years of hard work, I launched Urban Sandbox, a modern-day pen pal app and safe space for students to connect, share, and grow with other like-minded peers from around the world, while learning from qualified educators. Students have a place to engage like other platforms, without the concerns of unregulated content, as parents have access to easily supervise activity and ensure safety.
I never imagined I would be an entrepreneur, but life takes interesting turns. Even though this path is challenging, I'm certain I'll never go back to finance.
Danna Okuyama is the founder of Urban Sandbox based in New York City. ;