The Power To Show How Women Can Support Women
Kayla Ende is the Senior Gemologist at GCAL by Sarine..
By Kayla Ende
The first time a mentor told me that gearing jewelry sales towards women was new territory, I was surprised and skeptical. After all, jewelry is traditionally associated with women and femininity. We’re the main market for it- how could gearing sales towards us be “new”?
It’s what he said next that put it into perspective. He said that only in the last few decades have women started becoming earners and even breadwinners- before that, they were expected to be in the home. Even when they did work, their money belonged to their husbands. It wasn’t until 1974 that women were even granted the right to open their own bank accounts. For some perspective, my mother was already 8 when that law was passed. My grandmother spent most of her life without that right.
That meant that for decades, the focus was largely on men buying jewelry for their wives and daughters. As a member of Gen Z, that’s not a world I’ve ever known, but the relics of it are all around me in the industry.
But things are changing. Around 80% of jewelry sales in the US now are made entirely or partially by women. And 30% of diamond jewelry specifically is now being purchased by women for themselves.
All these trends mean that now more than ever, as Jewelry professionals, focusing on women is important. Respecting their purchasing power, encouraging them to find their own style, and empowering their decisions are all part of that focus. It matters within the industry, too- more women than ever are designing and creating jewelry, grading diamonds, and more. As my mentor and other professionals have noted, we’ve come so far- and that perspective is vital as we look to the future.
Kayla Ende is the Senior Gemologist at GCAL by Sarine. ; . ; ;